
Galacula thirsts!

I just did a super awesome peice for a special Halloween edition of Comics Alliance's feature Greatest Comics That Never Happened with Chris Sims. This is like the coolest drawing I ever seen in my whole life. Check out the article here! This was such a blast to do, I hope they have me back again sometime.

The original art for "Galacula Thirsts" is available to purchase for $150 and if anyone is interested then you should shoot a message to fetorpse*fart*gmail*fart*com. SOLD


Happy Hectorween!

Good day to you, laddies and ladettes! Here above these words you can scope out a neat Hector Plasm print! The first ever! Have you been bonering for a print or something? Cause I have heard your boners and look what it has wrought. Anyway, there are 200 of these puppies, and they are on cardstock and are super slick and glossy and shiny and smooth to touch on. They are available for purchase! Woah! If you want to make sure you get yours before Halloween, you should totally act now so that I can ship it out early in the week. You can find a button to get you one right over here ----> on the sidebar to your right, right under my ugly, stupid face. It will be up there until they are all gone! Also there is a button right here! WOAH.

Hector Plasm 2010 Halloween Print
-Drawn by Nate, colored by Jacob
- Signed and numbered
- 11 x 17
- Glossy cardstock
- Suitable for bragging
$5 Shipping and fondling

I hope you guys like it, and I hope you all have a good ass Halloween and do costumes and pumpkins and worship Satan.
